CS 61B Spring 2017 Midterm 1 Guide

(select problems.)

4. Flirbocon, part (b).

This question becomes more clear with a review of rules that Java uses for figuring out which method to invoke during compile-time (i.e., statically) and during run-time (i.e., dynamically).

Choosing Methods: When & How

When you feed your program to javac, it will analyze your program according to the static type. This is why you can cast your object into something that satisfies javac, but your compiled code (run with java) still crashes.

There are two types of methods that have the same method name: overloaded methods and overrided methods. Let’s review the implications of each.

Overloaded Methods

Overloaded methods are methods in a class that have the same function name, but different arguments. For example, add(int x, int y) and add(double x, double y) are overloaded methods.

It’s easier to reason about these methods if you treat them as methods with different names. For example, treat the above two methods as if their signatures were add_int(int x, int y) and add_doubles(double x, double y), respectively. (It is functionally the same).

When you call an overloaded method and run javac, the compiler picks the method that most closely matches the static types of the arguments you pass in.

  • If we wrote add(4, 6), it would be like writing add_int(4, 6).
  • If we wrote add((double) 4, (double) 6), it would be like writing add_double((double) 4, (double) 6).

Overrided Methods

Overrided methods are methods defined in a parent class that a child class also defines, hence the child class is overriding the parent’s method. For example:

public class Dog {
    public Dog() {}
    public void bark() {
        System.out.println("Dog Woof.");

public class Poodle extends Dog {
    public Poodle() {}
    public void bark() {
        System.out.println("Poodle Woof.");

Here, the Poodle class is the child class of Dog and it overrides the bark method.

When you call overrided method, the compiler will choose the method signature that needs to be found based on the static types of the arguments. This narrows down the possible methods to methods in the object’s class / ancestor classes / descendant classes. Then, based on the dynamic type, i.e., the type at runtime of the object, a method will be selected by the following procedure:

  • IF the dynamic type (let’s call this t) does not have the method,
    • UNTIL the method is found:
      • Set t to be the parent class of t
      • Look for the method in the class t

Think of the procedure as a bottom-up tree traversal starting at the dynamic type, where each node in the tree is a class that points down to its child class(es), e.g.,

 [ Dog ]
[ Poodle ]

Consider these extended Dog & Poodle classes, where bark is both overrided and overloaded:

public class Dog {
    public Dog() {}
    public void bark() {
        System.out.println("Dog Woof.");
    public void bark(Dog d) {
        System.out.println("Dog Woof Dog.");
    public void bark(Poodle d) {
        System.out.println("Dog Woof Poodle.");

public class Poodle extends Dog {
    public Poodle() {}
    public void bark() {
        System.out.println("Poodle Woof.");
    public void bark(Dog d) {
        System.out.println("Poodle Woof Dog.");
    public void bark(Poodle d) {
        System.out.println("Poodle Woof Poodle.");

First, let’s illustrate how the static types will affect method invocation. Again, treat overloaded methods as if the methods had different names, e.g. bark1, barkdog, barkpoodle.

public static void main(String []args) {
    Dog d = new Dog();
    Poodle p = new Poodle();
    d.bark((Dog) p);    // Argument has static type Dog.
    d.bark(p);          // Argument has static type Poodle.

The output of the above program is:

Dog Woof Dog.       // It's like we called Dog::barkdog.
Dog Woof Poodle.    // It's like we called Dog::barkpoodle.

Now, let’s throw overriding into the mix. Remember, the method signature has already been determined by the compiler, we just need to find the specific class method to call, which is dependent on the object’s dynamic type.

public static void main(String []args) {
    Dog d = new Poodle();       // Static type Dog, dynamic type Poodle.
    Poodle p = new Poodle();    // Static type Poodle, dynamic type Poodle.
    d.bark((Dog) p);            // Argument has static type Dog.
    d.bark(p);                  // Argument has static type Poodle.

The output of the above program is:

Poodle Woof Dog.       // It's like we called Poodle::barkdog.
Poodle Woof Poodle.    // It's like we called Poodle::barkpoodle.

A side-note: this example is very contrived. It’s pretty strange to define a method in a parent class that mentions a child class.

Ok, on to the question…

  • F1. The Bird::gulgate(Bird) method exists.
  • F2. The Bird::gulgate(Falcon) method exists.
  • F3. The Falcon::gulgate(Bird) method exists.
  • F4. The Falcon::gulgate(Falcon) method exists.

Suppose we make a call to falcon.gulgate(falcon):


Which features are sufficient ALONE for this call to compile?

Answer: F1, F2, F3, F4.

This question asks which features ALONE will allow falcon.gulgate(falcon) to compile. That means:

  • if we only have F1, it will compile
  • if we only have F2, it will compile
  • if we only have F3, it will compile
  • if we only have F4, it will compile

Using what you learned above, try to convince yourself that each statement is true. Note that the static and dynamic type of falcon is Falcon.


Select a set of features such that this call executes the Bird::gulgate(Bird) method.

Answer: F1.

  • if F2 was selected, F2 would be executed (a Falcon is more specific than Bird, and falcon is of static type Falcon).
  • if F3 was selected, F3 would be executed (falcon is of dynamic type Falcon).
  • if F4 was selected, F4 would be executed (falcon is of static type Falcon, and F4 takes a Falcon as an argument, which is more specific than Bird.).


Select a set of features such that this call executes the Bird::gulgate(Falcon) method.

Answer: F2, and NOT F4 (you would have received full credit if you put F1, F2, F3).

  • if F4 was selected, F4 would be executed. Why? Hint: what is the dynamic type of falcon?


Select a set of features such that this call executes the Falcon::gulgate(Bird) method. Answer: F3 and NOT F4 or F2. (you would have received full credit if you put F1, F3).

  • if F2 was selected, F2 would be executed. Why? Hint: How does the static type affect method selection?
  • if F4 was selected, F4 would be executed. Why? Hint: How does the static type affect method selection?


Select a set of features such that this call executes the Falcon::gulgate(Falcon) method. Answer: F4, but F1/F2/F3 can be checked – it doesn’t matter. Why?

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